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The Early Districts of Upper Canada

Eastern, Midland, Home & Western

At the close of the American Revolution, the Province of Quebec included land to the west that would later become Upper Canada. Soon thereafter, in 1788, four districts were created in this new territory for administration purposes: Lunenburg, Mecklenburg, Nassau & Hesse.

In 1791, Quebec was divided into the two provinces of Upper and Lower Canada, with the Ottawa River being the dividing line. The German names of the districts were abolished in 1792, and were renamed: Eastern, Midland, Home & Western.

districts of Upper Canada 1788
districts of Upper Canada 1802

All government business took place in the centres of these four districts, which created hardships for the early settlers in having to travel a great distance for such things as court sittings.

In 1792, 17 counties were established within those four districts. Because of the distances involved, more and more districts were created throughout the ensuing years, with the result that by 1845, there were 20 districts, containing 32 counties. These counties, though, were not used for government administration until 1849. This resulted in many vital records, such as registers from the courts, government commissions, and land boards from before 1849, being kept under district names, rather than county names.

How to Find the Publication You Need

Because of the constant change in borders of both counties and districts, historians and genealogists must be informed of how the government administrations were set up throughout the years, in order to be sure of accessing important records. This table presents a comprehensive record of each county, its administrative changes and a listing of Linda’s relevant publications. 

You can use the Search box below if you know the County or District you are looking for. Once you have found a publication you want to look at, click the Publications button below and then use the Search feature on the shop page, or click the category link to navigate to the desired publication.

EARLY COUNTIES (pre-1850)DISTRICT (All Districts abolished December 31, 1849)


Addington 1792-1849 (merged with Lennox County in 1800)MIDLANDSurrogate, Civil & Other; Vital Stats; Census; Colonization Roads; Indexes; Quarter Sessions; Assize (Oyer & Terminer); 1st Land Board; Heir & Devisee Commissions; Other
Carleton 1800-1822JOHNSTOWNAssize (Oyer & Terminer); 2nd Land Board; Heir & Devisee Commissions
Carleton 1822-1842BATHURSTAssize (Oyer & Terminer); 2nd Land Board
Carleton 1842-1849DALHOUSIE
Dundas 1792-1849EASTERNIndexes; Assize (Oyer & Terminer); Heir & Devisee Commissions, Bastardy Affidavits
Durham 1792-1802HOMEAssize (Oyer & Terminer); Heir & Devisee Commissions
Durham 1802-1849NEWCASTLEAssize (Oyer & Terminer); 2nd Land Board; Heir & Devisee Commissions, Bastardy Affidavits
Essex 1792-1849WESTERNAssize (Oyer & Terminer); Heir & Devisee Commissions
Frontenac 1792-1849MIDLANDSurrogate, Civil & Other; Vital Stats; Census; Quarter Sessions; Assize (Oyer & Terminer); 1st Land Board; Heir & Devisee Commissions; Other
Glengarry 1798-1849EASTERNIndexes; Assize (Oyer & Terminer); Heir & Devisee Commissions, Bastardy Affidavits
Grenville 1792-1800EASTERNIndexes; Assize (Oyer & Terminer); Heir & Devisee Commissions
Grenville 1800-1849JOHNSTOWNAssize (Oyer & Terminer); Heir & Devisee Commissions, Bastardy Affidavits
Haldimand 1800-1849NIAGARAAssize (Oyer & Terminer)
Halton 1816-1849GOREAssize (Oyer & Terminer)
Hastings 1792-1839MIDLANDSurrogate, Civil & Other; Vital Stats; Census; Quarter Sessions; Assize (Oyer & Terminer); 1st & 2nd Land Boards; Heir & Devisee Commissions
Hastings 1839-1849VICTORIA
Huron 1835-1841LONDON
Huron 1841-1849HURON
Kent 1792-1849WESTERNVital Stats; Assize (Oyer & Terminer); Heir & Devisee Commissions
Lanark 1824-1849BATHURSTAssize (Oyer & Terminer); 2nd Land Board
Leeds 1792-1800EASTERNIndexes; Assize (Oyer & Terminer); Heir & Devisee Commissions
Leeds 1800-1849JOHNSTOWNAssize (Oyer & Terminer); 2nd Land Board; Heir & Devisee Commissions, Bastardy Affidavits
Lennox 1792-1849 (merged with Addington County in 1800)MIDLANDSurrogate, Civil & Other; Vital Stats; Census; Colonization Roads; Indexes; Quarter Sessions; Assize (Oyer & Terminer); 1st Land Board; Heir & Devisee Commissions; Other
Lincoln 1792-1800HOMEAssize (Oyer & Terminer); Heir & Devisee Commissions
Lincoln 1800-1849NIAGARAAssize (Oyer & Terminer); Heir & Devisee Commissions
Middlesex 1800-1849LONDONAssize (Oyer & Terminer); 2nd Land Board; Heir & Devisee Commissions
Norfolk [part] 1792-1800HOMEAssize (Oyer & Terminer)
Norfolk [part] 1792-1800WESTERNAssize (Oyer & Terminer)
Norfolk 1800-1837LONDONAssize (Oyer & Terminer); Heir & Devisee Commissions
Norfolk 1837-1849TALBOT
Northumberland 1792-1802HOMEAssize (Oyer & Terminer); Heir & Devisee Commissions
Northumberland 1802-1849NEWCASTLEVital Stats; Assize (Oyer & Terminer); 2nd Land Board; Heir & Devisee Commissions, Bastardy Affidavits
Ontario (comprised of the Islands in the St. Lawrence River) 1792-1800 (abolished)MIDLANDSurrogate, Civil & Other; Quarter Sessions; Assize (Oyer & Terminer); 1st Land Board; Heir & Devisee Commissions
Oxford 1800-1839LONDONAssize (Oyer & Terminer); Heir & Devisee Commissions
Oxford 1839-1849BROCK
Perth 1849-1849HURON
Peterborough 1838-1841NEWCASTLE
Peterborough 1841-1849COLBORNE
Prescott 1800-1816EASTERNIndexes; Assize (Oyer & Terminer); Heir & Devisee Commissions
Prescott 1816-1849OTTAWAAssize (Oyer & Terminer); 2nd Land Board
Prince Edward 1792-1834MIDLANDSurrogate, Civil & Other; Quarter Sessions; Assize (Oyer & Terminer); 1st Land Board; Heir & Devisee Commissions
Prince Edward 1834-1849PRINCE EDWARDVital Stats; Quarter Sessions
Renfrew 1845-1849BATHURSTColonization Roads
Russell 1800-1816EASTERNIndexes; Assize (Oyer & Terminer); Heir & Devisee Commissions
Russell 1816-1849OTTAWAAssize (Oyer & Terminer); 2nd Land Board
Simcoe 1821-1843HOMEAssize (Oyer & Terminer)
Simcoe 1843-1849SIMCOE
Stormont 1792-1849EASTERNIndexes; Assize (Oyer & Terminer); Heir & Devisee Commissions, Bastardy Affidavits
Waterloo 1840-1849WELLINGTON
Welland (created from Lincoln County) 1845-1849NIAGARA
Wentworth 1816-1849GOREAssize (Oyer & Terminer); Heir & Devisee Commissions
York 1792-1849HOMEAssize (Oyer & Terminer); Heir & Devisee Commissions

Wentworth, Oxford, Halton




Simcoe, Wellington




Simcoe, Waterloo

Lambton Kent
Ontario York
Peel York
Victoria Peterborough
Wellington Waterloo

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